4th Istanbul Design Biennial – A School of Schools
A Biennial about Design as Learning, and Learning as Design.
A School of Schools is a multi-platform biennale that will use, test, and revise a variety of educational strategies to reflect on the role of design, knowledge, and global connectedness in contemporary Istanbul and beyond.
The amount of information in the world is more than doubling every two years. People know more than ever before. Lifelong learning is touted as the only way to keep a job and keep your head. Chalk and talk, and reciting multiplication tables has no chance against the animated distractions in our pockets. Meanwhile, the machines themselves have started learning too. What will be left for humans to do and which mental faculties remain irreplaceable are hot topics. Is it time to go back to school – and redesign it?
Alternative design education initiatives have consistently provided a brave space for experimentation and new knowledge, from the Bauhaus to Black Mountain College, and from Global Tools to the Sigma Group. These initiatives have not only helped design evolve, question itself and push its own boundaries, but also education and learning in general. Not only concerned with design, many of these experiments have also tested alternative ways of living, working, and connecting with each other and ourselves. Through this process-based experiential research, new manifestations, meanings, and implications of design have surfaced.
Today, design has become a form of enquiry, power and agency. It has become vaster than the world and life itself, permeating all layers of everyday life. As design becomes pervasive, the discipline can no longer claim to offer solutions to everything. In fact, the one-size-fits-all approach of many universal global systems is showing its cracks and exclusions. Similarly, design education – where the field and its practitioners have traditionally been reviewed and refined – now finds itself navigating new constraints and challenges regarding relevance, adaptability, accessibility, and finances.
As a space for critical reflection on design established in a historically rich context, the Istanbul Design Biennial offers the opportunity to question the very production and replication of design and its education. In 2018, the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial builds on the legacy of previous editions, in order to reinvent itself and become a productive process-orientated platform for education and design to research, experiment and learn in and from the city and beyond.
Titled A School of Schools, the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial will stretch both the space and time of the traditional design event, manifesting as a flexible year-long programme within which to respond to global acceleration, generating alternative methodologies, outputs and forms of design and education. A School of Schools manifests as a set of dynamic learning formats encouraging creative production, sustainable collaboration, and social connection. Exploring six themes, the learning environment is a context of empowerment, reflection, sharing and engagement, providing reflexive responses to specific situations.
Can the biennial use, question and reframe previously tried-and-tested education models – from the museum-as-encyclopedia to the laboratory, the studio and the academy – to create a setting for meaningful dialogue and design? Can design itself be a brave space for people to share their knowledge and ignorance, their experience and curiosity?
Engaging multigenerational, transdisciplinary practitioners from Turkey and abroad, A School of Schools brings together old and new knowledge, academic and amateur, professional and personal, focusing on the process as much as the outcomes. Together, agents in this complex and ambitious ecosystem will create new knowledge, search for alternatives to implemented systems, and with radical diversity, push the boundaries of the design discipline.
Biennial participants include;
Aformal Academy & ARK.WORLD
Can Altay
Ersin Altın, Burçak Özlüdil, Augustus Wendell, Amy K. Hoover
Burak Arıkan
ARK.AMSTERDAM (Roosje Klap & Pauline Le Pape)
Arvid & Marie
Kerim Bayer
Merve Bedir
Broomberg & Chanarin
Cihad Caner
Ali Murat Cengiz
Taeyoon Choi
Lorenzo Cirrincione, Jennifer Teets, Lorena Ancona
Commonplace Studio, Jesse Howard and Tim Knapen
Danilo Correale
Cansu Cürgen & Avşar Gürpınar
Aslı Çiçek
Çukurcuma Okuma Kulübü / Reading Club
Amandine David
Demystification Committee
DESIS Felsefe Konuşmaları
Design Displacement Group
Theo Deutinger
Meeus van Dis
Disarming Design from Palestine
Bogomir Doringer
Eat Art Collective
ECAL x MacGuffin
Ecole Mondiale
Noortje van Eekelen
Lukas Engelhardt
Fictional Journal Collective
FRAME research Group (Remco Roes, Carla Swerts, Tom Lambeens, Griet Moors)
Annika Frye
Alix Gallet
Gerçeklik Araştırma Grubu, Tasarım Laboratuvarı, Koç Üniversitesi
Teis De Greve
Gamze Gündüz, Güher Tan, Tangör Tan
Gökçe Gürçay
Ineke Hans
Lisa Hartje Moura, Pascal Rousseau, Noam Toran
Adam Harvey & Anastasia Kubrak
Nelly Ben Hayoun
Mark Henning
Esmé Hofman
Bora Hong
Nur Horsanalı
Housing the Human: Artem Kitaev (KOSMOS Architects), Mae-Ling Lokko, Simone C Niquille, Lucia Tahan, Dasha Tsapenko
Human Rights Foundation
Alexandre Humbert
IASPIS Urgent Pedagogies Symposium (Sepake Angiama, Markus Bader, Magnus Ericson, Joseph Grima, Sandi Hilal, Onkar Kular, Peter Lang, Tor Lindstrand, Pelin Tan, Merve Gül Özokcu)
Ils Huygens (Z33)
So Kanno
Andrea Karch
Navine G. Khan-Dossos
Roosje Klap
Rauf Kösemen
Ebru Kurbak
Matylda Krzykowski
Naho Kubota
Onkar Kular
LAB OF LABs: Professor Jussi Parikka, University of Southampton, Visiting Assistant Professor Andreas Treske, Chair Department of Communication and Design, I. D. Bilkent University, Dr. Faculty Member, PhD Simge Hough, Bilgi University, Jamie Allen, Ege Berensel, Ebru Kurbak
Peter Lang
Legrand Jäger
Mae-ling Lokko, Nana Ofori-Atta Ayim, Selassie Ataditka, Gustavo Crembil
Farzin Lotfi-Jam & Mark Wasiuta
LUCA School of Arts
Pedro Neves Marques
Margarida Mendes
Alexandra Midal
Carlos Monleón
Gökhan Mura
Martina Muzi
New South
Camilo Oliveira
ONAGÖRE (Okay Karadayılar & Ali Taptık)
Şevket Pamuk
Parasitic Okuma Kulübü / Reading Club
Thomas Pausz
Ana Peñalba
Juliette Pépin
Hannah Perner-Wilson
Shailoh Philips
Mary Ponomareva
Irene Posch
Possible Bodies Collective
Alice Rawsthorn
Livia Rezende
Ottonie Von Roeder
João Roxo
Emelie Röndahl
Mika Satomi
Helga Schmid
Judith Seng
Fahmy Shahin
Chick Strand
Studio Folder (Marco Ferrari, Elisa Pasqual, Pietro Leoni)
Studio Makkink & Bey
Jenna Sutela
Selim Süme
Aslıhan Şenel
Gülsün Tanyeli
Tattfoo Studio
Teaching Lies (Jamie Allen, Selçuk Artut, Rebekka Kiesewetter, Paolo Patelli, Donato Ricci, Benoît Verjat, Michael Edward Young)
Jennifer Teets & Lorenzo Cirrincione
Sera Tolgay
Sissel Marie Tonn
Joris Van Tubergen
Dr. Ahmet Uhri
Janna Ullrich
University of the Underground
Henriëtte Waal (LUMA) & Studio Klarenbeek & Dros
Lukas Wegwerth
Nina Wiesnagrotzki
Pınar Yoldaş
İpek Yürekli
Peter Zin
Taking place since 2012, Istanbul Design Biennial aims to bring together a diverse cross section of design ideas once every two years, exploring a wide range of fields concerning design. Seeding ideas and fostering dialogue and intersections within the creative and academic community, the biennial operates on a network of national and international collaborations with cultural agents, institutions, universities and companies. Using the city as a dynamic space for projects, actions and interventions, the biennial tackles global design problems, brings the notion of design into scrutiny, stimulates critical debate, foregrounds underexplored or overlooked aspects of society and prompts further investigation into and exchange about emerging conditions of the world. In addition to its biennial exhibition and various activities, Istanbul Design Biennial seeks to ensure a long, deep and interdisciplinary conversation that will help rethink the question of design by multiplying the number of voices and assembling an inspirational design archive. Committed to design as a tool for understanding its complex role in today’s society, the biennial as a progressive discussion platform is in permanent transformation.
Istanbul Design Biennial is organised by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV).
Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) is a non-profit cultural institution that was founded in 1973. The general objectives of the Foundation are: to make Istanbul one of the world’s foremost capitals of culture and the arts; to create continuous interaction between national and universal values and traditional and contemporary values via culture and the arts; and to contribute actively to the development of cultural policies.
IKSV was organising a single Istanbul Festival in the 70s, a festival that presented examples of different cultural and artistic disciplines. Over time, groups of events from different disciplines evolved into distinct festivals and biennials. Today IKSV organises the Istanbul Festivals of Music, Film, Theatre and Jazz, as well as the Istanbul Biennial, the Istanbul Design Biennial, Leyla Gencer Voice Competition, autumn film week Filmekimi and one-off events throughout the year. The Foundation hosts cultural and artistic events at its performance venue Salon, located at the Nejat Eczacıbaşı Building. IKSV also organises the Pavilion of Turkey at la Biennale di Venezia and coordinates an artist residency programme at Cité International des Arts, France. Furthermore, IKSV conducts studies and drafts reports with the aim of contributing to cultural policy development.
Vice ChairmenAhmet Kocabıyık
Prof. Dr. Münir Ekonomi
MembersNuri Çolakoğlu
Hayri Çulhacı
Ahmet Misbah Demircan
Oya Eczacıbaşı
Tayfun İndirkaş
Prof. Yekta Kara
Ergun Özen
Ethem Sancak
Oya Ünlü Kızıl
Corporate Identity AdvisorBülent Erkmen
Legal AdvisorAv. Sadife Karataş Kural
Administrative Affairs AdvisorÇağrı Köseyener
MembersAhmet Kocabıyık
Prof. Dr. Münir Ekonomi
Sibel Yazıcı Kesler (Arçelik AŞ)
Head of Finance and AdministrationAhmet Balta
Deputy Director GeneralDr. Yeşim Gürer Oymak
Human Resources and Administration DirectorSemin Aksoy
Marketing Directorİrem Akev Uluç
Sales and Business Development DirectorDilan Beyhan
Sponsorship Programme DirectorYasemin Keretli Çavuşoğlu
Media Relations DirectorAyşe Bulutgil
Corporate Identity and Publications DirectorDidem Ermiş Sezer
İKSV Studio DirectorSelçuk Metin
Istanbul Music Festival DirectorEfruz Çakırkaya
Istanbul Film Festival DirectorKerem Ayan
Istanbul Biennial and İKSV Contemporary Art Projects DirectorBige Örer
Istanbul Theatre Festival DirectorDr. Leman Yılmaz
Istanbul Jazz Festival DirectorHarun İzer
Istanbul Design Biennial DirectorDeniz Ova
Salon İKSV DirectorDeniz Kuzuoğlu
Cultural Policy Studies DirectorÖzlem Ece
Project ManagerElif Obdan Gürkan
Assistant to General Director Nilay Kartal
Hashim Sarkis
Deyan Sudjic
Alexander Von Vegesack
Mark Wigley
Editorial CoordinatorErim Şerifoğlu
EditorMerve Evirgen
Prepress Graphic DesignerFerhat Balamir
Graphic DesignersEsra Kılıç
Ayşe Ezgi Yıldız
Elif Çiftçioğlu
WebmasterSezen Özgür
AssistantsEbru Gümrükçüoğlu
Kamil Kulaksız
Assistant DirectorZeynep Pekgöz
ManagerZeynep Karaman
CoordinatorsYeşim Birhekimoğlu
AssistantZeynep Bilgihan
Membership Programme CoordinatorsYıldız Lale Yıldırım
Gülce Şahin
Sales Operations CoordinatorNeva Abrar
Sales and Business Development CoordinatorHamdi Sarıoğlu
Sales Operations AssociateItır Sevig
Operation AssociateIşıl Öztürk
Sales Operations AssistantsCanan Alper
Begüm Çavuşoğlu
Başak Sucu Yıldız (Finance)
Accounting and Finance Operations AssociateDeniz Yılmaz
Accounting and Reporting AssociateKadir Altoprak
AssistantsÇiğdem Arslan
Gözde Yılmaz
Human Resources SpecialistEren Ertekin
Human Resources AssistantEkin Kayhan
Building Administration and Security ManagerErsin Kılıçkan
System AdministratorKadir Ayyıldız
Information Technology AssistantTahsin Okan Erdem
Reception OfficerDilara Çetin
Warehouse OfficersMuzaffer Sayan
Şerif Kocaman
Sercan Dericioğlu
ServicesÖzden Atukeren
Aşkın Bircan
Aydın Kaya
Hayrullah Nişancı
Müzeyyen Öztürk
AssistantBurak Akgün
Marketing Communication CoordinatorCansu Aşkın
Creative Services CoordinatorMeriç Yirmili
Field Operations CoordinatorSezer Kari
Digital Media CoordinatorBahar Helvacıoğlu
Social Media AssistantEce Kartal
CRM CoordinatorÖzge Genç
AssociateBaşat Karakaş
AssistantAli Uluç Kutal
Mehmet Camadan
Oğuz Öztosun
AssistantsÇağla Gönül
Selin Gül
Exhibition and Project ManagerMerve Yücel
Communication and Operations CoordinatorBahar Türkay
Fundraising CoordinatorEzgi Yılmaz
Editorial CoordinatorCan Koçak
Venue Coordinators
Boran Güngör
Gamze Öztürk
Başak Tuna
Production AssistantBaşak Tuna
Operations AssistantEylül Şenses
Transport AssistantBaşak Zorlu
AssistantSinem Ören
Guided ToursMine Küçük
Guided and Thematic Tours CoordinatorPelin Kuş
Exhibition Attendants CoordinatorEmre Seymenoğlu
Hospitality AssociateMurat Özçaylak
Purchasing AssociateNihat Karakaya
Exhibition GuidesBeril Açıkgöz
Nazlıcan Akcı
Ezgi Su Ayak
Neva Çöğendez
Ada Dileksiz
Burcu Fidan
Merve Gürşen
Rahime İsmetova
Gizem Kaygusuz
Beyza Makuloğlu
Cemre Özkan
Hazal Paftalı
Ali Güney Yakar
Sude Yedikardeş
Installation AssistantsNisan İpek Akkuzu
Tilbe Yaren Dolu
Elif Engin
Ozan Er
Eylül Deniz Ergun
Suzi Erit
Damla Ertem
Melodi Esgin
Hakan Ilıkoba
Mustafa Sina Karaoğlu
Lalin Mercan
Selen Sarıel
Pınar Şenol
Mine Temuralay
Selin Ünlü
Hülya Yavaş
Exhibition AttendantsŞehbal Sezen Acarlı
Tüten Akay
Gizay Akdoğan
Naime Akgün
Çağla Akıncı
Fırat Akışık
Ali Murat Akozan
Kadir Emrah Aktop
Mustafa Can Tözün Atmaca
Melike Ayaz
Ece Aydoğan
Damla Ayyıldız
Büşra Balaban
Gülin Göksu Başaran
Cenk Beharti
Eylül Bektur
Elif Bıkmaz
Barış Bilgen
Ece Dilan Bozkurt
Berk Boztaş
Tansu Bulut
Arzu Büyükuğur
Egemen Candan
Yağmur Çakıroğlu
Melis Çamlıoğlu
Yaren Çay
Buse Çelik
Azime Ayşenur Çelimli
Aziz Çirci
Bilge Çubukçu
Büşra Dağlar
Esra Demirel
Zeynep Dirlik
Nil Döğerlioğlu
Zeynep Duman
Açelya Dursun
Gülşah Dürmüş
Barış Sami Ekşioğlu
Büşra Emir
Ozan Er
Burcu Erdem
Pınarnaz Eren
Gizem Bengisu Erenler
Pakizenur Es
Melodi Esgin
Mehmet Ali Gasseloğlu
Yusuf Bora Gökçeler
Alper Efe Gökmen
Ege Berk Gönül
Ayça Günay
Esra Gündoğdu
Hakan Ilıkoba
Mete İçenler
Tuana İnhan
Seda Kara
Mustafa Sina Karaoğlu
Damla Karıştıranlıoğulları
Gülay Kaya
Özüm Kaygısız
Elif Cansu Kayıkcı
İrem Kılıç
Öznur Kılıç
Orkun Kıvanç
Sena Kekoz
Cemre Köse
Elif Nesrin Kurt
Çağla Kuşçu
Aslı Küçüksezer
Ezgi Betül Marangoz
Tuğba Menşur
Ece Metin
Aslı Güliz Orakçı
Begüm Özay
Sena Özgürcan
Ozan Özkan
Muhammed Onur Öztürk
Volkan Parlak
Şeyma Sağlam
Emel Gizem Selvi
Zeynep Sinan
Hande Solak
Gizem Sütemen
İpek Şengül
Dilucan Eylül Şenyaylar
Semih Topal
Sıtkı Semih Tut
Şizen Türkal
Başak Tüsüz
Irmak Uyan
Sena Nur Uysak
Aygül Yalçın
Ayşe Hülya Yazıcıoğlu
Aydan Yıldızhan
Melis Yılmaz
Aslı Yolcu
Merve Seray Zümrüt
Technical TeamErdoğan Morgül
İzzet Taş
Information Technologies AssistantTahsin Okan Erdem
Research AssistantFazilet Mıstıkoğlu
Project AssistantValeri Boğosyan
Operations AssociateMerve Kavas
Production ManagerUfuk Şakar
Sound EngineerSinan Özçelik
Lighting EngineerEfe Sümer
Associate Curator Vera Sacchetti
Assistant Curator Nadine Botha
Visual Identity Offshore Studio
Exhibition Design Aslı Çiçek
Lukas Wegwerth
Selva Gürdoğan
Nikolaus Hirsch
Justin McGuirk
Meriç Öner
Assistant DirectorAyşen Ergene
Coordinators Berk Çakır
Ayşe Zeynep Güldiken
Ayşen Gürkan
Zeynep Topaloğlu
AssociateAyşegül Öneren (International Media)
AssistantDerya Bozcuk (International Media)
Visual Archive EditorCoşku Atalay
Visual Archive AssistantOzan Şahin
Biennial Reporter Tuğçe Karataş
Archive Photos Kayhan Kaygusuz
Archive Videos Hamit Çakır
Design Biennial Sponsor

İKSV Founding Sponsor

İKSV Official Sponsors

Theme Sponsors

Workshop Sponsor

Panel Sponsor

Design Walks Sponsor

Special Project Sponsor

Contributing Corporations

Insurance Sponsor

Service Sponsors

Contributing Institutions

Venue Supporters

Press Sponsors

TV Sponsors

Magazine Sponsors

Radio Sponsors

We acknowledge their kind support towards the promotion of Istanbul Design Biennial.

T: +90 212 334 07 00
E: TasarimBienali@iksv.org